"¿How to make someone fall in love with you?"

I can't resist to laugh with titule, well, the love is something complicated sometimes. I prefer wait, I really prefer wait for the time, the person, the age, and others things, but the only thing that you need to wait and then fall in love is meet to someone special for you and ¡come on! Try it! you could find the couple for the rest of your days in the world... I feel so romantic. Lol Always depends, for example if you are woman the tips could be some while if you are man could be others. so here I will show you some general tips for both, and then something that men prefer to women and vice versa. TOP 5 1. Details . general people likes the details, the little forms for show that someone is interesting in you. 2. Natural people. we love the sincerity, men and women likes the original people. don't try to be someone different, be yourself. 3. Happiness. The mostly love people happy and enjoy spend time with them. "Smile, you never know if someone ...