True Love ♥♡

Everybody dreams with the True love, a few days ago I was looking some videos about marriage proposals. I was so excited looking that.  I was wondering ¿What happend after? after the wedding... They still togehter years later ¿?... I truly believe in the love, the true love, when I look this picture, the elderly couple still is together, ¡They still love each other!

The love isn't like the movies, the love is real, ¡It is!... May be you sometime loved to someone with all you heart and may be, you broked but is not the end... I don't believe in the perfect couple, just the correct... God not chose someone for you, you will chose with who you want be for the rest of your life.


1. If ever truly loved, do not regret! in love you have to risk, dare if you're not reciprocated, Just try.
2. The love is forever and ever, when you know who is the person, never let it go.
3. Give your love with all your heart, don't be scared, the love is for give everything.


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