“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”

November and december are some of my favorites months, I don't have to go to University, I can spend time with my family. I like the atmosphere of these days and ¡the food! I really love the food of December. In my country we have so many kinds of food for these days. But when december is over I feel so excited because a new year is for begin. 

Some people believe en "Santa Claus" or "Papa Noel" well, I think that when January is begining, is time to cut his beard and do plans and purpose for a new oportunity! 

May be the last year isn't the better for you or may be was amazing year. but now almost is past and you need to have news plans, purpose. 

The life really is beautiful, but some people do not appreciate life. 
Don't wait to some Doctor had to tell you that only have 1 month of life for think that you need to do something more that be in your computer all the day.

¡Come on! This 2014 you could be do something every month.

Travel to other city or country, have a new Job, begin to be a good student, have a girl or boyfriend, spend time with your family. Learn other language, read a book, do sports, so many things that you can do. also read my blog haha... 
but please, Enjoy your life. 

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  
― Dr. Seuss


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