"5 Reasons for don't have a Tattoo"

In the actuality one of the thing that young people want to do or people in general is to show of actions and behavior through "Tattoos" or “piercings”. But ¿which means tattoos?, ¿why I should be have one or why not?. Somebody says "The human body is the best work of art." 

This actions like body language in tattoos is a process for searching Identity, for meet a need with tattoo or piercieng. The person need to have this and when they have, they feel satisfied. some reasons are search for identity, aesthetic innovation and influence in other cases someone else, like a movie, singer, friends or the Tv, also can do for idolatry about a football team, some religion or persons they love.

Of course some tattoo could be look great, but I've considered these 5 things, the reasons why we should not have a tattoo.

1. It's bad for your health. you can get, infectious diseases and allergic reactions blood or get an infection such as tetanus or hepatitis, HIV or even, in the worst situations. run the risk of being infected if an instrument using infected blood in you had.
2. It's Painful. Tattoos are not drawn on your skin, are created using an electric machine to inject pigments under your skin.
3. It's not your Body. The Bible says in 1Corinthians 6:19, Our body is temple of the Holy Ghost, who have of God, and we are not your own. so before to do some like a tattoo, you should think that isn't your body.
4. It is forever.
5. It could cause problems for working in a company.

Remember the life is about decicions, so think before to do something, you are beautiful or handsome like you are. your body is a work of art, don't try to look better with tattoos and forget your true work of art.

“To lose confidence in one’s body is to lose confidence in oneself.” 
- Simone de Beauvoir
"The human body is the best work of art."
- Jess C. Scott


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