“The Power of Listening”

Ears, the power of listening.
How beautiful are the ears right?... -Well I like this picture. Is my ear, I just took the picture but I really like it. 

"beauty is irrelevant when it has no intelligence." -S.G.
Well, this quote described the reason for some things. we can have two eyes but we need learn to pay atention, we can have a voice but we need to talk. we can have two ears but we need listen. 

Listen to the people can have positives  results, God gave us two ears but only one mounth, because we need listen more than talk. you should to listen all the things around you, like your body, your work, your university and the people that can teach you something good. 

I will show you here some point that you can take into account.

1. You need listen more than talk
2. Choose who you want to listen. not everybody have things positives for your life. you need choose the people that will make you a better person. 
3. Don't ignore the words. Normally people hear around themselves but not take atention, by example: could be that your body is talking to you, like "you need do more exercise", "you need to eat better", "you should go with a doctor", may be could be your girlfriend, "I want get married with you", or your family: "We need spend more time with you". 

All the world is talking everytime. take a minutes for listen and could be a powerful change in your life. 
Some benefits to listening are:

- Maintain an appropriate and positive environment for communication, making it to be more effective. 
-  To know the meaning of the message they want to tell us, reducing misunderstandings. 
- Obtain relevant information about what we can do.

Listening can change your life. Just ¡use your beauty ears!


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