"I'm Sexy"

In the last months, I hear so much this words "I'm ugly", "I feel ugly" or something like that, so I dedicate this publish for talk about that.

In the young culture, we define the beauty like characteristics that are considered to society, attractive, desirable and beautiful. but ¿what is the Real Beauty?, physically speaking, people beauty is subjective, what some people find attractive others do not, and vice versa. So this is a good thing, because if some girl or boy think or told you, that you are ugly for them, you must smile and think "I am so sexy". Is so probably that others persons are so excited for see your or hear your sweetie voice.

The point here is that the persons have true beauty inside them not  outside, all the beauty with the time ago, could be diferent. like a old person, the hair fall down, the lips and face will be with wrinkles, may be we will be a little fat haha. You should look the beauty inside the persons more than physically. When you try to search some couple you could be in love because she or he is so nice person, they like the same things like your or are so diferent, that make interesting a new relationship.

¡Come on! never say never, you have to look at the mirror and say: "I am really so sexy" :) Don't matters what other people think about you. Take a shower, use the best clothes that you have, brush your teeth, make a Smile and went out walking with love for you. People fall in love with people safe from themselves. Remember, if you do not love yourself, you can not really love someone else.


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