
One of my favorites movies is "Serependity", Is about a couple reunite years after the night they first met, fell in love, and separated, convinced that one day they'd end up 

¿Did you know what is serependity? I will show you some definitions.
Finding something good, without looking for it.
The art of making happy discoveries.
fortuitous happenstance or pleasant surprise.

In the history of science the serependipities are frequent. There are also cases of serependipities literary, when author writes about something you have imagined and it is not known at the time, and further demonstrates that, there is a defined by the writer, with the same details.
"In the book Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan, author Morgan Robetson. Is the wreck of a ship called Titan is told. This book was written in 1898, 14 years before the sinking of the Titanic, and the similarities are striking. Input, the name of two ships, Titan and Titanic, both the fact of sinking on its maiden voyage, having collided with an iceberg, to mention a very calm sea like a mirror, near the island of Newfoundland. Its similar dimensions (75000 and 66000 tons, 243 meters long and 268) or the surname of the captain in both cases (Smith), having few lifeboats and the number of people killed, many of them multimillionaires."  

These are some different forms to see the serependity, ¿do you believe that is real? I think that it is. 

¿What happend in the love relations? May be you can find your serependity. Is not about search for something, be patient, that the most beautiful things happen without plans, the best kisses are those that are stolen, and find to someone special could happen by serependity.


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