The road and the life ♥

The picture that I choosed today is one of my favorites, because I took it when I was in the car going to home, I enjoy this way, is a road that has a few transit, and when you are in the car you can feel the air and look how the trees move in all the road...

The life is like a road, is a way, you born but you don't know when you will die, you know where are you now but you don't know if you will be far away or near tomorrow, when I see this way I can see all the trees near and the sky so high but, where is the finish? You don't know what is after, so you have to take three decitions:

1. You have to learn to enjoy the scenary around you, don't be afraid for the way ahead, the way ahead will arrive at the right time. Enjoy your family, friends, work, college and everything you have.

2. One vision, you need to know where are you going, focus in your dreams and work hard,  always walks to the front.

3. Chose nice persons, for your trip you need to be with the correct persons :) like your family, true friends, but the most important person is God, without Him, your travel will never have a true purpose. 



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